The TV show Salvation follows a grad student and an entrepreneur who discover that an asteroid will collide with Earth in six months, leading to their desperate attempts to prevent the catastrophic event while facing ethical dilemmas and overcoming obstacles. Salvation is a 2017 American English-language Drama Sci-Fi television series featuring Santiago Cabrera, Jennifer Finnigan, Charlie Rowe, Jacqueline Byers, Rachel Drance, Shazi Raja and Ben Wilkinson. Still Married Productions in association with Secret Hideout and CBS Television Studios. were the production houses involved in the project. CBS Television Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the television series. Creators of the series include Liz Kruger, Craig Shapiro and Matt Wheeler. Salvation has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 26 episodes which have a running time of 43 minutes each. The music was composed by John Paesano.
Jini Score 8.8/10
Rating 6.9/10
Jini Score 8.8%
Rating 6.9
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Salvation Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Its a grotesque, distinctly Euro fairy tale take on American myth. ( Read More )