A group of curious individuals led by Rip, the nephew of Robert Ripley, embark on global adventures to uncover mysteries, armed with strange findings and an extensive library, investigating puzzling cases and encountering eccentric individuals while uncovering oddities and exploring unexplained phenomena and strange cultures. Ripleys Believe It or Not is a 1998 American English-language Animation show starring Sonja Ball, Robert Brewster, Mark Camacho, Ellen David, Luis De Cespedes, Carlo Essagian and Bonnie Mak. The series is inspired from Ripley s Believe It or Not!. List in association with NBC, Haley-Lyon Productions , Rastar Television, Columbia Pictures Television, Angry Dragon Entertainment, Termite Art Productions, Columbia TriStar Television Distribution, Columbia TriStar Domestic Television and Sony Picture were the production houses involved in the project. Sony Pictures Television acquired the distribution rights for the television series. Ripleys Believe It or Not has 4 seasons and a cumulative total of 88 episodes which have a running time of 50 minutes each.
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