Three interconnected storylines feature individuals overcoming personal issues, seeking truth, and surviving in a world where the supernatural becomes intertwined, forcing them to confront their past and navigate a new reality. Residue is a 2015 English-language Drama Horror show featuring Natalia Tena, Iwan Rheon, Jamie Draven, Danny Webb, Franz Drameh, Adrian Schiller and Danny Steele. LWH Entertainment in association with GSP Studios, Screen Yorkshire, Green Screen Productions and Art4noise. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Charlotte Walls. The series is directed by Alex Garcia Lopez. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the show. Creator of the series is John Harrison. The television series has a running time of 44 minutes for each episode. Cinematography was done by Felix Wiedemann. The music was composed by Al Hardiman.
Jini Score 5.7/10
Rating 6.0/10
Jini Score 5.7%
Rating 6.0
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