Operation MBBS is a captivating series that depicts the challenging journey of three first-year medical students as they strive to excel academically, maintain friendships, and cope with the sacrifices and pressures of studying at a renowned MBBS college. Operation MBBS is a 2020 Indian Hindi-language Comedy Drama show starring Ayush Mehra, Anshul Chauhan, Sarah Hashmi, Prateek Pachori, Deepak Simwal, Momita Jaisi and Ankitaa Naravanekar. Pocket Aces was the production house involved in the project. Operation MBBS is written by Puneet Batra and directed by Amrit Raj Gupta. Operation MBBS has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 10 episodes. The music was composed by Karthik Rao along with Arabinda Neog.
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Operation MBBS Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 42%
This can be overlooked, as the role KC by Prateek Pachauri dominates with his hilarious action and timing of dialogue delivery. ( Read More )
Subhojit Ghosh
An interesting outlook about life in a medical college ( Read More )