In an alternate Earth during the Golden Age of Pirates, a young boy named Monkey D. Luffy, who aspires to become the Pirate King, gains incredible powers after eating a devil fruit and sets sail with his loyal crew to find treasure, encountering enemies and dangerous waters along the way in this highly anticipated live-action adaptation of a popular manga series scheduled for release on August 31, 2023. ONE PIECE is a 2023 English-language Action Adventure television show featuring Iñaki Godoy, Emily Rudd, Mackenyu, Vincent Regan, Morgan Davies, Aidan Scott and Kamdynn Gary.
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ONE PIECE Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 80%
Julian Lytle
Oh yeah, I forgot hes a rubber man; see, Luffy can stretch like rubber; for superhero folks, think Mister Fantastic or Plastic Man; for others, think Stretch Armstrong. ( Read More )
Pramit Chatterjee
Even if you do the math about the difference in the minutes dedicated to characters, plots, subplots, fillers, action beats, or empty space to give the audience a breather, it doesnt add up! ( Read More )
Steven Nguyen Scaife
But when the situation calls for it, hes a rather accomplished fighter. ( Read More )
Arezou Amin
There is so much story left to tell by the end, and my hope is that we do see it one day. But with just these eight episodes of One Piece, the cast and creatives pull off a fantastically pulpy, old fashioned, and, most importantly, satisfying adventure. ( Read More )
Alex Maidy
It is far from a masterpiece, but much is here to latch onto. If you want a fun swashbuckler to while away your Labor Day weekend, you could do a lot worse than One Piece. ( Read More )