Four boys find themselves in an alternate reality and must battle mystical threats to find their way back home, only to realize that others from the alternate reality have also crossed over, leading to a final battle against a formidable creature. Nowhere Boys is a 2013 English-language Adventure Drama show featuring Dougie Baldwin, Joel Lok, Rahart Adams, Matt Testro, Kamil Ellis, Joe Klocek and Piath Mathiang. Matchbox Pictures was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Tony Ayres and Beth Frey. The series is directed by Daina Reid, Peter Carstairs and Craig Irvin. NBCUniversal International Television Production acquired the distribution rights for the series. Creator of the series is Tony Ayres. The television series has a running time of 26 minutes for each episode. Cinematography was done by Simon Chapman and Dave Cameron. The music was composed by Cornel Wilczek.
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