A talented young artist named Vic McQueen discovers her unique ability to pursue a seemingly indestructible predator, Charlie Manx, who traps childrens souls in a distorted Christmas-themed world called Christmasland, prompting her to embark on a mission to defeat him and rescue his innocent victims while protecting her own sanity. NOS4A2 is a 2019 American English-language Horror Drama show featuring Ashleigh Cummings, Zachary Quinto, Jahkara J. Smith, Lafur Darri Lafsson, Virginia Kull, Ebon Moss-bachrach and Sarah Catherine Hook. The series is inspired from NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. O Brien Construction in association with The Tornante Company and AMC Studios. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Shana Fischer Huber. Creator of the series is Jami O Brien. NOS4A2 has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 20 episodes which have a running time of 40-56 minutes each. Cinematography was done by Martin Ahlgren. The music was composed by Mike Patton.
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NOS4A2 Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 41%
And NOS4A2 is a solid TV show thats ripe to watch when you need a day inside to take a break from the heat. ( Read More )
Meanwhile, Vics family stuff is a melodramatic drag, and doesnt mesh at all with the supernatural storyline. ( Read More )