Little Britain USA is a TV show that is a continuation of the British sketch show, exploring modern American society through outrageous characters. Little Britain USA is a 2019 American English-language show. Fuzzy Door Productions in association with Film Roman and Fox Television Animation. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Shannon Smith, Julius Sharpe, Kara Vallow, Steve Marmel and Sherry Gunther. The series premiered on January 31, 1999 in English on Fox. 20th Century Fox Television acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Creators of the series include Seth MacFarlane and David Zuckerman. Little Britain USA has 18 seasons and a cumulative total of 335 episodes which have a running time of 20-23 minutes,45 minutes each. Editing was done by Mike Elias. The music was composed by Ron Jones along with Walter Murphy.
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