In 2078, a young girl named Hitomi, who comes from a family of witches, loses her ability to perceive colors, prompting her grandmother to send her back in time to 2018 in order to meet her younger self and find solace and guidance. IRODUKU : The World in Colors is a 2018 American Japanese-language Animation Drama series featuring Kaori Ishihara, Ayumu Murase, Nao Tôyama, Kana Ichinose, Shoya Chiba, Seiji Maeda and Masato Niwa. Doozer in association with RatPac Television, New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Television. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Trey Callaway, Steven Fielder, Andrew Cholerton, Carlos Jacott and Brian Chamberlayne. Warner Bros. Television acquired the distribution rights for the television series. IRODUKU : The World in Colors has only one season and a cumulative total of 13 episodes. The music was composed by Waz-jackson & Al Sgro.
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