The film follows a young man who faces challenges in his personal life despite his social media popularity, highlighting the struggles of a generation whose online reputation affects their identity. Hey Prabhu! is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language Comedy Romance television series featuring Rashmi Agdekar, Omkar Kulkarni, Chinmay Chandraunshuh, Visshesh Tiwari, Rajat Barmecha, Sheeba Chaddha and Antara Bahuguna-ghosh. TVF was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Sameer Saxena. Hey Prabhu! is written by D.krishna Prasad, Abhishek Yadav, Nishaad Zaveri and Suprith Kundar and it is directed by Prem Mistry. Series originally aired on MX Player in Hindi. MX Player acquired the distribution rights for the show. Hey Prabhu! was released on 4th October 2018. The music was composed by Vaibhav Bundhoo.
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