This film tells the story of Ranjana, a newlywed woman who considers leaving her husband after discovering his love for a dancer, and explores the complexities of their relationship as she seeks love and affection from him. Haldi Kunku is a 1979 Marathi-language Drama show featuring Ron Ely, Manuel Padilla, Jr., Alan Caillou, Rockne Tarkington, Suhas Bhalekar and Shanta Tambe. Banner Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Leon Benson, Jon Epstein, Steve Shagan and Maurice Unger. The series is directed by Anant Mane. Series originally aired on NBC in Marathi. National General Television Distribution acquired the distribution rights for the television show. Haldi Kunku has 2 seasons and a cumulative total of 57 episodes which have a running time of 60 mins. each. Haldi Kunku was released on 31st May 1979 and takes a screen time of 60 mins. for each episode.
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