The series From The Earth To The Moon explores the Apollo space program, including its origins, tragedies, missions, preparations, and the significant events surrounding it, through archival footage, interviews, and re-enactments. From The Earth To The Moon is a 1998 English-language Action Drama television show featuring Tom Hanks, Nick Searcy, Lane Smith, David Andrews, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Stephen Root and Robert C. Treveiler. The television series made a box office gross of $6 million.
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From The Earth To The Moon Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 56%
Emily St. James
From the Earth to the Moon doesnt just bring Apollo to life; it brings a whole complicated world around the program to life, too. Its a pity more miniseries havent tried to do the same for other major historical events. ( Read More )
Ed Bark
From the Earth to the Moon is an exhilarating time travel back to the days when it all started. ( Read More )