A series focuses on the police officers and detectives of the 74th precinct in East New York, led by Deputy Inspector Regina Haywood, as they strive to enforce the law, enhance community relationships, and overcome obstacles in Brooklyns East New York neighborhood. East New York is a 2022 American English-language Crime Drama show featuring Amanda Warren, Kevin Rankin, Richard Kind, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Olivia Luccardi, Lavel Schley and Stella Everett. Series originally aired on CBS. Creators of the series include William Finkelstein and Mike Flynn. East New York has only one season and a cumulative total of 21 episodes which have a running time of 44 minutes each.
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East New York Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 62%
Joel Keller
Joel Keller (@joelkeller) writes about food, entertainment, parenting and tech, but he doesnt kid himself: hes a TV junkie. ( Read More )
Jack Ori
She doesnt want to have to make the NYPD look good when the department doesnt deserve it. ( Read More )
Angie Han
East New York The Bottom Line A solid cop procedural that tries, with limited success, to brave thorny territory. ( Read More )
Verne Gay
Hot on its heels is the other show this wants to become the standard issue CBS cop procedural thats more boilerplate than hard boiled. ( Read More )
Dustin Rowles
It doesnt help, either, that The Rookie premise is stretched beyond incredulity. ( Read More )