A woman named Chae Song Ah enrolls in a music school, where she tries to adjust to her new academic life and falls in love with a talented pianist named Park Joon Young, while exploring the dreams and love of classical music students as they navigate through the challenges of their academic careers. Do You Like Brahms? is a 2020 Korean-language Drama Romance television series starring Eun-bin Park, Min-jae Kim, Sung-cheol Kim, Ji-hyun Park, Lee You-jin, Da-bin Bae and Jang Young-hyeon. Do You Like Brahms? was released on 30th August 2020.
Jini Score 9.5/10
Rating 7.6/10
Jini Score 9.5%
Rating 7.6
Do You Like Brahms? Watch Online
Date30 AUG 2020
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