A gripping true crime series delves into notorious serial killer cases, highlighting the efforts of dedicated investigators to unravel the evidence and shed light on the chilling motivations of these cold-blooded murderers, serving as a reminder of the evil in society and the important work of those seeking justice for victims and their families. Catching Killers is a 2021 American English-language Documentary Crime television series featuring John Ingram, Jj Holoubek, Jim Mcintyre, Lisa Jones, Dave Reichert, Brian Jarvis and Julie Williamson. Netflix was the production house involved in the project. Series originally aired on Netflix. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the television series. Catching Killers has only one season and a cumulative total of 4 episodes.
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Catching Killers Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Joel Keller (@joelkeller) writes about food, entertainment, parenting and tech, but he doesnt kid himself: hes a TV junkie. ( Read More )