Boston Legal is a legal drama series that revolves around the character Alan Shore, who is a highly skilled and respected lawyer at the firm of Crane, Poole Schmidt. Boston Legal is a 2004 American English-language Comedy Crime television show featuring James Spader, Monica Potter, Rhona Mitra, Lake Bell, Mark Valley, William Shatner and Ashton Holmes. David E. Kelley Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Attica Locke, Malcolm Spellman, Loucas George, Dianne Houston and Craig Brewer. Series originally aired on ABC. 20th Television acquired the distribution rights for the series. Creator of the series is David E. Kelley. Boston Legal has 5 seasons and a cumulative total of 101 episodes which have a running time of 42 minutes each. The music was composed by Danny Lux.
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Boston Legal Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 60%
Gillian Flynn
But here Shore is so toned down he must remind coworkers that hes enormously unlikable. ( Read More )
Tom Shales
Spader manages the very nifty trick of playing an utterly disarming rat. ( Read More )
Lucy Maher
Thanks to engaging storylines and witty writing, adults will find Boston Legal entertaining. ( Read More )
Belinda Acosta
What Else Is On : The sequel to the unnervingly prescient miniseriespremiered on the Sundance Channel last Tuesday. ( ( Read More )
Staci Krause
Right away, he started talking about preschools and education, while Denise isnt even sure shes going to keep the baby. ( Read More )