In a society where animals have human-like traits, a timid gray wolf named Legoshi must confront his complex feelings for a rabbit named Haru while investigating the brutal murder of a fellow classmate, which intensifies the tension between herbivores and carnivores at their school. BEASTARS is a 2019 English-language Animation Crime show featuring Jonah Scott, Chikahiro Kobayashi, Lara Jill Miller, Griffin Puatu, Cristina Valenzuela, Yuki Ono and Shôta Yamamoto.
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BEASTARS Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 82%
Joyce Slaton
Its a dark, creepy, and yet compelling direction, but the heavy vibe is lightened up with glowing visuals in the sophisticated color palette of a Wes Anderson movie, and cliffhanger endings in each episode that practically beg for a binge. ( Read More )
Dave Trumbore
Its a story about nature vs nurture, instinct vs rational thought and control. ( Read More )
John Serba
And by weird I mean different than the usual crap, which is a good thing, and the type of thing that deserves at least another episode or two to see if the drama develops further and if there are any blobfish persons. ( Read More )
James Hanton
Beastars maintains the gorgeous hand drawn look of anime while adding in some extra flourishes. ( Read More )
Caitlin Moore
While Netflix defaults to skipping title intros for the sake of smoother binge watching, this one is worth watching every time. ( Read More )