A 25-year-old red panda named Retsuko finds solace in death metal karaoke as she navigates frustrations at work, leading to unexpected changes in her life, while her friend Haida quits his job and befriends a gamer who has lost hope in life. Aggretsuko is a 2018 Japanese-language Animation Comedy show featuring Kaolip, Komegumi Koiwasaki, Maki Tsuruta, Sôta Arai, Mina Inoue, Shingo Kato and Roger Craig Smith. Signal Entertainment Group in association with AM Studio. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Min Hyun-il and Lee Sung-jin. JTBC acquired the distribution rights for the show.
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Aggretsuko Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
If Netflix sees fit to renew it for another season, however, theres definitely an appetite for meatier fare. ( Read More )