The series follows psychic Alison Mundy and skeptical academic Robert Bridge as they navigate encounters with spirits in Bristol, exploring Alisons abilities, her involvement in a train crash, and her connection with Robert as they both confront personal challenges. After Life is a 2019 English-language Comedy Drama television series starring Ricky Gervais, Diane Morgan, Tom Basden, Tony Way, Mandeep Dhillon, Ashley Jensen and James Gault. Derek Productions Limited was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Charlie Hanson. The series premiered on 8 March 2019. Creator of the series is Ricky Gervais. After Life has only one season and a cumulative total of 12 episodes which have a running time of 25-31 minutes each. Cinematography was done by Martin Hawkins and editing by Jo Walker. The music was composed by Andy Burrows.
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After Life Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
At the start of the show, hes deeply annoyed by the stories hes assigned to the point that he just doesnt bother doing them. ( Read More )