The film portrays the struggles and conflicts of political party workers and their loyalty towards their partys leader in the face of changing leadership and opposition, while also exploring the role of media and PR in shaping political campaigns and the challenges faced by young individuals trying to establish themselves in the political arena. Zenda is a 2009 Indian Marathi-language Drama Thriller motion picture featuring Siddharth Chandekar, Rajesh Shringarpure, Sachit Patil, Santosh Juvekar, Pushkar Shrotri, Sunil Tawade and Sumaydh Gaikwad. A Square Entertainments was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Avadhoot Gupte, Avdhoot Gupte and Atul Kamble. Zenda is written by Avadhoot Gupte, Avdhoot Gupte and Sachin Darekar and it is directed by Avadhoot Gupte and Avdhoot Gupte. Zenda was released on 22nd January 2009. The movie made a box office gross of ₹2 crore. Cinematography was done by Rahul Jadhav and editing by Imran Mahadik Faisal Mahadik. The music was composed by Avadhoot Gupte along with Prasad Sashte.
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Zenda Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
It matches in leaping virtuosity that terminal duel in Scaramouche. ( Read More )