A retired composer and his film director friend encounter unusual guests while on vacation in the Swiss Alps and must deal with personal struggles, including the suicide of the friend, before returning to the UK to perform a song for The Queen and Prince. Youth is a 2015 English-language Comedy Drama movie starring The Retrosettes, Gabriella Belisario, Laura De Marchi, Rachel Weisz, Paul Dano, Harvey Keitel and Robin George. The movie is written and directed by Paolo Sorrentino. Youth was released on 20th May 2015 and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released and became successful at box office. Youth was made on a budget of €12 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $227 million.
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Youth Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 60%
Alan Jones
Tom Shoval, who eschews stylistic flourishes in order to focus on character, leaves the films heavy lifting to the actors and his own screenplay. ( Read More )
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Youth marks the debut of Tom Shoval as a director and he draws out the extreme tension of the situation. ( Read More )
Aaron Hillis
Through American eyes, Israeli writer director Tom Shovals tense and striking debut which smoothly flits between familial melodrama, psychological thriller, and socioeconomic allegory may trigger false foreshadowing of an Elephant style gun rampage. ( Read More )
Stephen Holden
You have the eerie sense of observing two halves of a severed whole struggling to reunite and break apart at the same time. ( Read More )
Andy Crump
The films narrative is straight out of genre cinema, appropriate in light of Shauls and Yakis joint movie fandom, but Shoval mounts tension by gazing at his story straight on and without blinking. ( Read More )