Kadhal Kondein revolves around the love story of Shiva and Sindhya, who fall in love, have a child, and face challenges from Shivas family before ultimately finding success. Mahesh is a 2013 Indian Telugu-language Comedy Drama movie starring Sundeep Kishan, Dimple Chopade, Jagan and Livingston. Colour Frames in association with Red Studios. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Antony Nawaz, Sathya Narayanan and R. Madhan Kumar. Mahesh is written by Raana and R. Madhan Kumar and it is directed by R. Madhan Kumar. Anbu Pictures acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Mahesh was released on 26th April 2013. Mahesh was made on a budget of ₹40070 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹8 crore. The screenplay for the movie was written by R. Madhan Kumar. Cinematography was done by Raana. The music was composed by National Award winner Gopi Sundar along with Gopi Sunder.
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Yaaruda Mahesh Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Parasuram doesnt disappoint in the way he writes and presents Maheshs character. ( Read More )