The movie is about the friendship that forms between four boys from different backgrounds as they navigate their life in Mumbai. Yaari Dosti is a 2016 Marathi-language Comedy Drama movie featuring Sumeet Bokse, Ashish Gade, Sandeep Gaikwad, Namrata Jadhav, Hansraj Jagtap, Nisha Parulekar and Sadeep Gaikwad. Yaari Dosti was released on 16th September 2016.
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Yaari Dosti Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Avoid Yaari Dosti and if you still feel like watching it, go alone; spare your yaars and dosts. ( Read More )
Unfortunately, the film underuses the idea, and the story gradually progresses to take all the conventional stops of coming of age films. ( Read More )