In Shanghai, a college student named Din is granted three wishes by a wish dragon named Long after receiving a teapot, using the wishes to protect the teapot, impress a love interest, and ultimately save a mentor figure, eventually leading to the formation of a new restaurant and the release of the wish dragon. Wish Dragon is a 2021 English-language Animation Adventure movie starring Jimmy Wong, John Cho, Constance Wu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Jimmy O. Yang, Aaron Yoo and Simon Twu. Wish Dragon was Produced by Aron Warner, Chris Bremble and Jackie Chan. The motion picture is written and directed by Chris Appelhans. Sony Pictures Releasing acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. Wish Dragon was released on 11th June 2021 and takes a screen time of 98 minutes. Wish Dragon was made on a budget of $25 million and at the box office it grossed only $21 million. Editing was done by Michael Andrews. The music was composed by Philip Klein.
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Wish Dragon Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 47%
Joseph Stanichar
Its not the next knockout animated film, and I dont think its trying to be. ( Read More )
Mae Abdulbaki
But while Wish Dragon rehashes quite a few familiar storylines from the Disney classic, it offers enough new elements to be entertaining and sweet. ( Read More )
Roger Moore
He doesnt know from cell phones, chariot made of steel (buses) or SHRIMP crisps. ( Read More )
Mark Dujsik
While the filmmaker technically does, the end result definitely feels like tasked checklist but doesnt feel too unique. ( Read More )
Mat Brunet
So, is Wish Dragon a rip off of Aladdin The answer is yes, it undeniably is. But does that mean its a bad movie Not really. ( Read More )