An engineering student falls in love with his friends sister, but their relationship is threatened when he becomes the target of a local gangster and his father, a powerful chieftain, must step in to protect him. Vayuputra is a 2009 Indian Kannada-language Action Romance movie starring Chiranjeevi Sarja, Aindrita Ray, Ambareesh, Sadhu Kokila, Shankanada Anjanappa, Krishne Gowda and Saroja Srishaila. The movie is based on Sandakozhi. Sri Ram Films International was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Arjun Sarja. Vayuputra is written by M. S. Ramesh and directed by Kishore Sarja. Vayuputra was released on 3rd September 2009 and takes a screen time of 142 minutes. Cinematography was done by Sundarnath Suvarna and editing by Kay Kay. The music was composed by V. Harikrishna.
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