Untamed Romania is a visually captivating documentary that showcases the untouched landscapes and diverse wildlife of Romania, including the Carpathian Mountains, the Danube Delta, and Transylvania, while emphasizing the need to protect and preserve these habitats and the delicate relationship between humans and nature. Untamed Romania is a 2018 English-language Documentary movie featuring Victor Rebengiuc, Irina Rimes and Mark Strong. Untamed Romania was Produced by Alex P Un, Allison Bean, Ellen Windemuth, Ionu Ardeleanu and Paul Lister. The movie is directed by Tom Barton-humphreys. Transilvania Film acquired the distribution rights for the film. Untamed Romania was released on 13th April 2018 and takes a screen time of 92 minutes. Untamed Romania was made on a budget of $1 million and at the box office it grossed only $1 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Thomas Barton-Humphreys and Alex P un. Cinematography was done by John Waters and editing by Dan Schwalm. The music was composed by Nainita Desai.
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