Two orphaned brothers, Sam and Nathan Drake, embark on a dangerous adventure to find treasure while facing betrayal, danger, and the unexpected reappearance of Sam after years of presumed death. Uncharted is a 2021 American English-language Action Adventure motion picture featuring Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Antonio Banderas, Sophia Taylor Ali, Tati Gabrielle, Sophia Ali and Eskindir Tesfay. The movie is based on Uncharted by Amy Hennig. Uncharted was Produced by Avi Arad, Charles Roven and Alex Gartner. Uncharted is written by Art Marcum and Matt Holloway and it is directed by Ruben Fleischer. Sony Pictures Releasing acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Uncharted was released on 17th February 2022. The Film was successful at box office. Uncharted was made on a budget of $120 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $407 million. Cinematography was done by Chung-hoon Chung.
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Uncharted Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : neutral
Positive Review Rating : 41%
Matthew Jackson
iUnchartedi emerges as a disjointed mess of a movie that cant decide if it wants to be full on video game fun or slick cinematic treasure hunt, leaving Holland swimming upstream against the current of a story thats as choppy as it is uninteresting. ( Read More )
Keith Garlington
In reality, theres nothing about Uncharted that screams video game adaptation. ( Read More )
Ayelet Dekel
It makes the experience of watching the film into a great ride, and perhaps thats the best way to enjoy Uncharted. ( Read More )
For an origin story, Uncharted ironically doesnt waste any time explaining the backstories of any of the characters. ( Read More )
Tony Baker
I like Tom Holland in movies like this. I wish the the action was a little a bit more exciting. ( Read More )