In the Indian village of Tumbbad, a cursed village due to the worship of the deity Hastar, a man named Vinayak and his son Pandurang embark on a series of thefts to access Hastars gold, leading to tragic consequences and Vinayaks transformation into a monster. Tumbbad is a 2018 Hindi-language Thriller Horror film featuring Sohum Shah, Ronjini Chakraborty, Anita Date, Harish Khanna, Mohd Samad, Jyoti Malshe and Harsh K. Tumbbad was Produced by Amita Shah, Mukesh Shah and Sohum Shah. Tumbbad was released on 12th October 2018. Tumbbad was made on a budget of ₹15 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹12 crore. The music was composed by Ajay Gogavale along with Atul Gogavale. At the 2019 Filmfare Awards It won 4 awards including: Best Special Effects, Best Sound Design, Best Cinematography and Best Production Design.
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Tumbbad Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 86%
Lee Marshall
Competently shot with a handheld feel, the film is given a swelling soundtrack by video game composer Jesper Kyd. ( Read More )
Deborah Young
The fairytale elements fall into place in a climax of real horror. ( Read More )
Rachit Gupta
Ideas like that make Tumbbad a real mind bender and the films top notch production design makes it a movie that truly reinvents the horror genre for Indian cinema. ( Read More )
Tumbbad is largely driven by stunning visuals and thats one of the reasons why your eyes never leave the screen even for a second. ( Read More )
Jared Mobarak
The religious aspects are entrenched in Hinduism with distinctly Indian environments and history impacting its characters recklessness, but thats all part of the appeal because it renders this horror thriller unique. ( Read More )