Tulsi Vivah

1971 - HINDI - MOVIE

Adventure Fantasy

The story follows Rajkumari Vrunda, whose life takes a tragic turn after an assault during a hunting trip, leading her to marry a man named Jalandhar, but their lives further spiral as Jalandhar clashes with Lord Vishnu, resulting in chaos and Vrundas intensified emotions after Jalandhars death at the hands of Shiva, ultimately seeking revenge and becoming consumed by anger, as the narrative explores themes of love, betrayal, and the struggle between good and evil, prompting Vrunda to undergo a transformation as she grapples with grief and a desire for retribution against a celestial and earthly backdrop, unveiling the consequences of vengeance and questioning the line between righteousness and revenge. Tulsi Vivah is a 1971 Indian Hindi-language Adventure Fantasy film starring Jayshree Gadkar And Anita Guha, Abhi Bhattacharya, Jayshree Gadkar, Geetanjali Rai, Anita Guha, Rajan Haksar and Tun Tun. Tulsi Vivah is written by C. Ramchandra and directed by Chandrakant. Tulsi Vivah was released on 9th March 1971.
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Release Date09 MAR 1971



Adventure , Fantasy

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