Tu Hi Mor Balma is a Bhojpuri romantic drama produced by Ritesh Kumar Thakur and directed by Aslam Sheikh which follows the love story of a young couple facing relationship challenges. Tu Hi Mor Balma is a 2010 Indian Bhojpuri-language Drama Action film starring Meera Jasmine, Disha Pandey, Rajeev Mohan, Nassar, Rahul Dev, Sana and Pravesh Lal Yadav. Tu Hi Mor Balma was Produced by P. Amarnath Reddy. The motion picture is written and directed by Srikanth Vemulapalli. Amarnathan Movies acquired the distribution rights for the film. Tu Hi Mor Balma was released on 18th June 2010 and takes a screen time of 97 min. Cinematography was done by Venkata Prasad and editing by M.R.Varma. The music was composed by Vijay Kurakula.
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