The documentary explores the life and career of Elvis Presley, from his rise to fame in 1956 to his comeback in 1968, showcasing his performances and interviews with close associates, and including clips from his films and TV specials, as well as his final concert tour in 1977. This Is Elvis is a 1981 English-language Documentary Biography film starring David Scott, Paul Boensch Iii, Johnny Harra, Lawrence Koller, Rhonda Lyn, Debbie Edge and Virginia Kiser. This Is Elvis was released on 10th April 1981. The movie made a box office gross of $2 million.
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This Is Elvis Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 61%
Roger Ebert
The movies lesson is brutal, sad, and inescapable: Elvis Presley was a man who gave joy to a great many people but felt very little of his own, because he became addicted and stayed addicted until the day it killed him. ( Read More )
Peter Ackroyd
Although the film resembles a childs drawing of a life, it is enlivened by the use of documentary material which, if it does nothing else, at least recreates that era When rock and roll was seen as the harbinger of things to come. ( Read More )
Linda Deutsch
Unlike previous documentaries, this one focuses on the stars life more than his music and gives the best hints yet of why Presleys skyrocket ride to stardom led him to self destruct. ( Read More )
Danielle Solzman
I mean, if youre going to go that route, you may as well just make an outright biopic. ( Read More )
Diego Galán
The biggest issue with This Is Elvis is that it reduces the life of a singer who has become a myth to four biographical facts. ( Read More )