In a desperate attempt to save Earth, young individuals risk their lives on a dangerous expedition to find a new home, facing immense challenges in their race against time to secure the future of humanity. The Wandering Earth II is a 2023 English-language Action Adventure film featuring Jing Wu, Andy Lau, Hao Feng, Clara Lee, Andrew Lee, Zina Blahusova and Andy Friend. The Wandering Earth II was released on 22nd January 2023.
English, Telugu, Mandarin, Hindi, Russian, Tamil, French, Japanese, Shanghainese, Korean
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The Wandering Earth II Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 75%
Brian Costello
The movie comes off as Chinas answer to the blockbuster sci fi epic, and, just like many of these types of movies made in the United States, theres a heavy handed jingoistic nationalism at work here that gets tiresome. ( Read More )
Katie Smith-Wong
The Wandering Earth IIs biggest draw is easily its jaw droppingly epic action scenes, with aerial fights and huge explosions amping up the excitement levels. ( Read More )
John Berra
There is certainly much to admire about this ambitious homegrown sci fi saga, even if it feels rather protracted with the running time clocking in 45 minutes longer than its predecessor. ( Read More )
Matthew Monagle
It is this combination of maximalism, nationalism, fatalism, and two dimensional characterization that makes this one of the most enjoyable current franchises. ( Read More )
Roger Moore
But its a drag, a Long March of a disaster epic that isnt too much of a good thing. ( Read More )