The film follows Irish Army Commandant Pat Quinlan as he leads Irish peacekeepers stationed in Jadotville during the secession of the State of Katanga, where tensions escalate due to valuable uranium deposits and the threat of World War III, leading to a heroic defense by Quinlans company, their eventual surrender, and the subsequent cover-up of the siege by UN officials until it is exposed in 2005, vindicating the soldiers. The Siege of Jadotville is a 2016 English-language Action Drama movie starring Jamie Dornan, Mark Strong, Mikael Persbrandt, Jason O mara, Danny Sapani, Michael Mcelhatton and Michael Richard. The Siege of Jadotville was Produced by Kevin Brodbin, Alan Moloney, Ruth Coady, Johanna Hogan and Justin Moore-lewy. The Siege of Jadotville is written by Kevin Brodbin and Declan Power and it is directed by Richie Smyth. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the film. The Siege of Jadotville was released on 4th October 2017 and takes a screen time of 108 minutes. Cinematography was done by Nikolaus Summerer and editing by Alex Mackie. The music was composed by Joseph Trapanese.
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The Siege of Jadotville Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 54%
Robert Yaniz, Jr.
Even though the titular siege isnt the grandest battle in terms of scale, the significance it holds in history and the message its story sends is certainly worth capturing on film. ( Read More )
Donald Clarke
A highly diverting film that rightly honours forgotten and subsequently mistreated heroes from Irish history. ( Read More )
Keith Uhlich
But the burden of actual history weighs down Netflixs semi rousing new war film The Siege of Jadotville in the early going. ( Read More )
Robert Abele
The Siege of Jadotville valiantly fights to reclaim pride in a slice of Irish military history, but it seems to have ignored who those Irish were fighting for. ( Read More )
Stephen Mayne
Intention and delivery dont quite meet in a mute, bloodless affair; Black Hawk Down if you lowered the intensity and stripped out context. ( Read More )