A suspenseful and terrifying story takes place in a deserted hotel while two teenagers venture into a dark forest, all while a masked monster lurks around town. The Killer is a 2021 Korean English-language Horror movie starring Jang Hyuk, Lars Bethke, Anton Jacobsson, David Lenneman, Sanna Messo and Alida Morberg. The movie is inspired from The Kid Deserves to Die by Bang Jin-ho. Ascendio was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Nam Ji-woong and Mark W. Shaw. The Killer is written by Shin Dong-chul and Nam Ji-woong and it is directed by Choi Jae-hoon. iHQ acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. The Killer was released on 10th December 2021 and takes a screen time of 95 minutes. The motion picture made a box office gross of $0 million. Cinematography was done by Lee Yong-gab and editing by Kim Man-geun. The music was composed by Jung Hyun-soo.
Jini Score 8.4/10
Critics Score 58%
Jini Score 8.4%
Critics Score 58
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Date10 DEC 2021
Hindi, English
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The Killer Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 58%
Kate Sánchez
A recipe for a great film that ticks every box on my action fan checklist. ( Read More )
Scott Phillips
Ji Hos blend of suspense and dark comedy reminds me tonally of his South Korean countryman Bong Joon Ho. ( Read More )
Mark Dujsik
The Killer works as a slight variation on familiar material, thanks in large part to Jangs performance, and a dependable vehicle for vibrant action. ( Read More )
Robert Daniels
While the tightly choreographed action scenes in The Killer take their cue from John Wick and The Man From Nowhere, the film lacks heart. ( Read More )
Kristian M. Lin
Alas, while hes failing to connect with this kid, shes kidnapped by a ring of international child sex traffickers. ( Read More )