A gangs summer habitat is destroyed, leading Crash and Eddie to venture into the Lost World and ultimately defeat a Protoceratops named Orson. The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild is a 2022 English-language Animation Adventure film featuring Simon Pegg, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Justina Machado, Vincent Tong, Aaron Harris, Dominique Jennings and Jason Linere-white. The movie is based on Characters by Michael J. Wilson. The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild was Produced by Denise L. Rottina. The movie is directed by John C. Donkin. Disney+ acquired the distribution rights for the motion picture. The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild was released on 28th January 2022 and takes a screen time of 82 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Jim Hecht, William Schifrin and Ray DeLaurentis. Editing was done by Braden Oberson. The music was composed by Batu Sener.
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The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : negative
Positive Review Rating : 14%
Jennifer Green
If you enjoy 80 straight minutes of animated action interspersed with witty one liners and some positive life lessons, or if youre just a fan of the Ice Age franchise, then this movie is for you. ( Read More )
Sean Chandler
A cheap looking and lame continuation of the Ice Age franchise with virtually nothing new to offer. ( Read More )
Unfortunately, Crash and Eddie arent gripping enough to keep you hooked for the entirety of the movie. ( Read More )
Mat Brunet
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild brings back the feeling of those direct to home media animated sequels where Disney produced an unappealing and unnecessary movie thats only made to cash in on the success of the original. ( Read More )
At 82 minutes, it provides a rather painless antidote to the lack of creativity. ( Read More )