The movie follows the journeys of two young men named Apu and Andy as they navigate different countries, with Apu trying to fulfill his promise to bring his girlfriend to the US and Andy pursuing his dreams in Kolkata, both encountering comedic and social adventures along the way, including falling in love with the same girl and Apu befriending a girl his parents want him to marry, with a performance by Cassinis Division. The Bong Connection is a 2006 Indian Bengali-language Drama film starring Raima Sen, Shayan Munshi, Mir Afsar Ali, Travis Ammons, Victor Banerjee, Samrat Chakrabarti and Joy Ganguly. The Bong Connection was Produced by Joy Ganguly. The Bong Connection is written by Anjan Dutt, Neel Dutt, Joy Ganguly, Vibha Singh and Rabindranath Tagore and it is directed by Anjan Dutt. Moviex Entertainment acquired the distribution rights for the film. The Bong Connection was released on 1st November 2006 and takes a screen time of 131 minutes. The music was composed by Neel Dutta.
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The Bong Connection Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 53%
Its a delightful canvas of introspective comment which captures the psyche of the young Bengalis, even as it brings forth stirring performances by all the characters. ( Read More )
Shubhra Gupta
You are left wanting more person than type. But there are a string of nice moments you can enjoy, while you are it. And some lovely lilting music. ( Read More )