In a world where humans and anthropomorphic animals coexist, Mr. Wolf leads a gang of notorious criminal animals known as The Bad Guys, but after a failed heist and transformative experiences, they decide to turn their lives around and become the Good Guys. The Bad Guys is a 2022 English-language Animation Adventure motion picture featuring Sam Rockwell, Marc Maron, Awkwafina, Craig Robinson, Anthony Ramos, Richard Ayoade and Ava Kouloumbrakis. The Bad Guys was released on 17th March 2022. The Bad Guys was made on a budget of $100 million and at the box office it grossed only $0 million.
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The Bad Guys Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 77%
Peter Martin
Within its limited parameters, The Bad Guys is perfectly fine animated entertainment that kept me awake throughout its running time, though I cannot discount the cup of coffee that I drank during its third act. ( Read More )
Robert Roten
There are a lot of plot twists in this movie, including a couple involving characters who are not at all who they seem to be at first. There are several good characters in this movie who kept me interested in the story. ( Read More )
Although the fart jokes may edge towards wearing a bit thin, the humor is plentiful, and with a heart warming tale of redemption beneath its slick veneer, The Bad Guys pull off a great job. ( Read More )
Tiffany Babb
The Bad Guys crew is cool enough that theyre fun to watch and just enough of a mess (and emotionally vulnerable) that theyre likable. ( Read More )
Robin Clifford
What you will get is delightfully funny caper movie with a first rate band of bad guys. ( Read More )