The story follows Apostle John during the reign of Emperor Domitian as a couple searches for their missing daughter and an asteroid approaches Earth. The Apocalypse is a 2007 English-language Action Drama movie featuring Rhett Giles, Kristen Quintrall, Tom Nagel, David Shick, Amol Shah, Kelsey Higgs and Robert Henderson. The Apocalypse was released on 21st September 2007. The Film was successful at box office. The Apocalypse was made on a budget of $32 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $126 million.
Jini Score 1.0/10
Critics Score 58%
Rating 1.6/10
Jini Score 1.0%
Critics Score 58
Rating 1.6
The Apocalypse Watch Online
Date21 SEP 2007
Budget$ 32 MILLION
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The Apocalypse Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 58%
The movie, however, takes crude and offensive content to a whole new level. ( Read More )
Baruchel doesnt want to go, because Jonah Hill will be there, but Rogen convinces him otherwise. ( Read More )
The result is a tinsel wrapped gift package full of resplendent grue, heartfelt coming of age musical numbers and a perfectly pitched melodic mlange of horror and humor. ( Read More )