A captivating and thought-provoking series of conversations between Jonah Hill and therapist Phil Stutz, delving into their personal journeys, mental well-being, and the transformative power of therapy. Stutz is a 2022 American English-language Documentary movie featuring Jonah Hill, Phil Stutz and Sharon Feldstein. Stutz was Produced by Chelsea Barnard, Diane Becker, Matt Dines, Alison Goodwin, Jonah Hill, Melanie Miller, Mark Monroe and Joaquin Phoenix. The movie is directed by Jonah Hill. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the film. Stutz was released on 14th November 2022 and takes a screen time of 96 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released. Cinematography was done by Christopher Blauvelt and editing by Nick Houy and Nicholas Ramirez. The music was composed by Emile Mosseri.
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Stutz Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 85%
Dan Buffa
It doesnt turn into a DC comic film depression and sadness summit. ( Read More )
Cory Woodroof
Therapists being elevated to celebrity status isnt a new sensation. ( Read More )
Jason Flatt
Cognitive behavioral approaches dont work for everyone, just as dialectical approaches dont either. ( Read More )
Nick Allen
Jonah Hills gently powerful documentary Stutz is a personal project about someone elses work. ( Read More )
Andrea Thompson
What Hill and Stutz do manage to accomplish is as undeniable as their sincerity, which transcends a process that is bound to be messy and flawed. ( Read More )