A high school senior named Peter Parker gains spider-like abilities and becomes Spider-Man after his uncles death, while his friends father becomes insane and turns into the Green Goblin, leading to a battle that ends in the Goblins death. Spider-Man is a 2002 American English-language Action Adventure film featuring Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson, Rosemary Harris and Michael Wajacs. The movie is inspired from Spider-Man by Stan Lee Steve Ditko. Spider-Man was Produced by Ian Bryce and Laura Ziskin. Spider-Man is written by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, David Koepp, Avi Arad, Ian Bryce, Grant Curtis, Heidi Fugeman, Steven P. Saeta, Laura Ziskin and Kevin Feige and it is directed by Sam Raimi. Sony Pictures Releasing acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Spider-Man was released on 3rd May 2002 and takes a screen time of 121 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released and became successful at box office. Spider-Man was made on a budget of $139 million and it was a super hit at box office gross of $825 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by David Koepp. Cinematography was done by Don Burgess and editing by Bob Murawski and Arthur Coburn. The music was composed by Danny Elfman.
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Spider-Man Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 88%
Parker isnt so sure; hes a little burnt out by all the superhero action and feels he deserves a vacation. ( Read More )
Miles, an instantly endearing character, doesnt focus on the precarious juggling of his normal and superhero lives. ( Read More )
If thats all Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse was, an ever so slightly off kilter animated movie that takes chances with one of the most bankable box office superhero icons of them all, it would still be worth a look. ( Read More )
While the Spidey sequel does, admittedly, have a bit more extra footage in its new cut, its still nothing significant and isnt anything that couldnt have just been saved for the Blu ray. ( Read More )
This isnt the first time that the Corridor Crew YouTube channel, popular for their VFX Artists React series, has weighed in on the subject of Spider Man. ( Read More )