Say Anything


Comedy Drama Romance

Say Anything is a 1989 romantic comedy-drama film about Lloyd Dobler, an underachiever who falls for Diane Court, the valedictorian of their high school, and their relationship is put to the test when her father is investigated for embezzlement. Say Anything is a 1989 American English-language Comedy Drama movie starring John Cusack, Ione Skye, John Mahoney, Lili Taylor, Amy Brooks, Pamela Adlon and Reynaldo Silva. Gracie Films was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Polly Platt. The motion picture is written and directed by Cameron Crowe. 20th Century Fox acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Say Anything was released on 14th April 1989 and takes a screen time of 100 minutes. and it received positive reviews from critics when it was released and became successful at box office. Say Anything was made on a budget of $16 million and it was a hit at box office gross of $21 million. Cinematography was done by L szl Kov cs and editing by Richard Marks. The music was composed by Richard Gibbs along with Anne Dudley.
repeating romantic rewarding recognizable intellectual
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₹ 499 per year
Release Date14 APR 1989
Budget$ 16 MILLION

, English


Comedy , Drama , Romance

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Say Anything Reviews and Ratings

Average Review Rating : positive


Positive Review Rating : 84%

    • Roger Ebert

      She is one of the class beauties, but doesnt date much because she intimidates boys. ( Read More )
    • Bill Weber

      Say Anything was a singularly three dimensional teen romance after a decade of broad gags and breakfast club stereotypes in John Hughesland. ( Read More )
    • Hal Hinson

      As Dianes father, he looks as if hes labored hard to live up to Dianes expectations. ( Read More )
    • Kirk Honeycutt

      Cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs gives Seattle a cool romantic glow. ( Read More )
    • Variety Staff

      Cusack and Skyes relationship develops nicely and believably, but Crowe has not written an entirely convincing character for the latter to play. ( Read More )
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