The story follows Lal, a well-liked college student who takes in orphanage friends as family, becomes wrongfully accused of sexual assault, but is later cleared and released while the college principal speaks of the goodness in students. Sarvakalasala is a 1987 Indian Malayalam-language Comedy Drama motion picture starring Jagathy Sreekumar, Sukumaran, Sandhya, Mohanlal Viswanathan, Adoor Bhasi, Seema Sasidaran and Tony. Anand Movie Arts was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Anand. Sarvakalasala is written by Venu Nagavally, Cheriyan Kalpakavadi and M.g. Radhakrishnan and it is directed by Venu Nagavally. Tharangini Films Release acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Sarvakalasala was released on 21st April 1987 and takes a screen time of 158 minutes. The screenplay for the movie was written by Venu Nagavally. Cinematography was done by Vipin Mohan and editing by K. P. Hariharaputhran. The music was composed by M. G. Radhakrishnan.
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