
2018 - HINDI - MOVIE

Drama Horror Thriller

Sanjana, a Hindi film released in January 2018, follows the journey of its main character, a young woman named Sanjana, as she faces challenges and struggles in her life and ultimately finds happiness with the help of strong performances, heartfelt storytelling, and a captivating musical score. Sanjana is a 2018 Hindi-language Drama Horror movie starring Paulo Americano, Terence Bridgett and Amanda Brown. Sanjana was Produced by Krishna Vamsi. The motion picture is written and directed by Maradona Dias Dos Santos and Chris Roland. Netflix acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Sanjana was released on 26th April 2019 and takes a screen time of 106 minutes. The movie made a box office gross of ₹0 lakh. The music was composed by Harsh Vyas along with Sri Kommineni.

    Sanjana Watch Online

₹ 49 per month
Release Date26 APR 2019


Drama , Horror , Thriller

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