A climate activists resolve to fight global destruction is paralleled by a U.S. soldier and a French humanitarian workers struggle for survival during an alien invasion, as both storylines emphasize themes of perseverance, collaboration, and individual agency in the face of overwhelming threats. REVOLT is a 2021 English-language Comedy motion picture starring Matthew Cheetham, Peter Flett, Emma Harvie, Jack Scott, Jo Turner and Jane Watt. The movie made a box office gross of $0 million.
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REVOLT Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 53%
It may cram in too many of the books set pieces, but ultimately this is Ceras film and he gives his best performance so far. ( Read More )
Any movie that can rally up interest in the material it was based on is a win in my mind, but Ceras hilarious performance as a modern day Holden Caulfield makes Youth in Revolt a must see for any fan of hipster comedies. ( Read More )
But it all moves so fast, furiously and unfussily that genre fans should be satisfied. ( Read More )
Those themes are universally relatable as is the giddy thrill of watching racist forces of imperial oppression get exactly whats coming to them. ( Read More )
Revolt ends up resembling a promising pilot for a TV series, one you would really like to see more of, since this one rushes through its setup, save for a cameo from Jason Flemyng as a wounded war photographer which makes an effort to sell the gravity of a full scale alien invasion which the film itself doesnt show. ( Read More )