The movie tells the story of King Ananda Bhupathi and his familys struggles resulting from his secret marriage to Yasodhara and the jealousy of his foster son, Simhananda. Rajakota Rahasyam is a 1971 Indian Telugu-language Drama motion picture starring N. T. Rama Rao, Devika Devadas, Dhulipala Seetarama Sastry, Satyanarayana Kaikala, Mikkilineni Radhakrishna Murthy, Mukkamala and Taraka Rama Rao Nandamuri. G. R. Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) M. K. Gangaraju. Rajakota Rahasyam is written by Pingali and directed by B. Vittalacharya. Rajakota Rahasyam was released on 12th March 1971 and takes a screen time of 172 mins. Cinematography was done by G. K. Ramu and editing by K. Govinda Swamy. The music was composed by Vijaya Krishna Murthy.
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