Set in the political landscape of Uttar Pradesh, the story revolves around Baldev Pratap Singh, a prominent four-time MLA, his rival Majid Maqbool, family dynamics, and a chain of events that culminate in a dramatic climax with gunshots at Baldevs house. Prassthanam is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language Action Drama movie featuring Sanjay Dutt, Ali Fazal, Jackie Shroff, Manisha Koirala, Amyra Dastur, Chunky Pandey and Pyarali Nayani. The movie is based on Prasthanam by Deva Katta. Sanjay S Dutt Productions was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Sanjay Dutt and Manyata Dutt. The movie is directed by Katta Deva and Deva Katta. NH Studioz acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Prassthanam was released on 20th September 2019 and takes a screen time of 138 minutes. Prassthanam was made on a budget of ₹39 crore and at the box office it grossed only ₹5 crore. The screenplay for the movie was written by Deva Katta and Farhad Samji. Cinematography was done by Ravi Yadav and editing by Ballu Saluja. The music was composed by Farhad Samji along with Ankit Tiwari, Vikram Montrose and Mahesh Shankar.
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Prassthanam Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 50%
Prassthanam manages to hold your interest in parts due to its fast paced developments. ( Read More )
The Times Of India: Prassthanam manages to hold your interest in parts due to its fast paced developments. ( Read More )
Prassthanam manages to hold your interest in parts due to its fast paced developments. ( Read More )
He convincingly plays the rich spoiled brat who doesnt think twice before flaunting his money and position. ( Read More )
The female characters are cardboard, though, and thats also to be expected: this film isnt really interested in its women as much as its men. ( Read More )