Pill Hai Ke Maanta Nahi

2023 - HINDI - MOVIE

Short Comedy

A man cheats on his wife before their child is born, and faces emotional turmoil, potential legal repercussions, and the possibility of losing his marriage and relationship with his baby, but there is potential for redemption and growth. Pill Hai Ke Maanta Nahi is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language Comedy film featuring Sharib Hashmi, Gopi Bhalla, Cheshta Bhagat, Nancy Thakkar, Rashika Pradhan, Aarya Babbar and Chestha Bhagat. Babbar House was the production house involved in the project. The film is written and directed by Aarya Babbar. Disney+ Hotstar acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Pill Hai Ke Maanta Nahi was released on 28th January 2023. The music was composed by Sajid Masood.
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Release Date28 JAN 2023



Short , Comedy

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