
1950 - TAMIL - MOVIE

Fantasy Drama

The film consists of three interconnected storylines, one centered around the battle between Krishnas wife Bama and the demon king Naragasura, another focusing on the conflict caused by the parijatham flower between Bama and Rukmani, and a third involving comedic characters that provide comic relief. Parijatham is a 1950 Indian Tamil-language Fantasy Drama movie starring T. R. Mahalingam, B. S. Saroja, M. V. Rajamma, N. S. Krishnan, T. A. Madhuram, R. Balasubramanian and C.s.d. Singh. The movie is based on Naragasura Epic. Lavanya Pictures Ltd. was the production house involved in the project along with executive producer(s) S. K. Sundararama Iyer. The movie is directed by K.s. Gopalakrishnan and K. S. Gopalakrishnan. Newtone acquired the distribution rights for the movie. Parijatham was released on 1st January 1950. The screenplay for the movie was written by Elangovan. Cinematography was done by Jithen Banerji and editing by A. V. Subba Rao. The music was composed by C. R. Subbaraman along with S. V. Venkatraman.
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Release Date01 JAN 1950



Fantasy , Drama

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