Henri Papillon Charriere, a wrongfully convicted safecracker, forms a friendship with a counterfeiter named Louis Dega, and together they endure brutal punishment and adversity while making multiple unsuccessful escape attempts from the notorious Devils Island prison in French Guiana, eventually succeeding on their third attempt with Papillons daring jump from high cliffs into the sea before Papillon writes a bestselling memoir about his experiences, leading to the closure of the prison after his death and leaving a lasting impact on the thousands of prisoners condemned to the same fate. Papillon is a 2018 English-language Crime Drama motion picture starring Charlie Hunnam, Roland M Ller, Rami Malek, Yorick Van Wageningen, Eve Hewson, Tommy Flanagan and Daniel Utjesanovic. The movie is based on Papillon by Henri Charri re Banco by Henri Charri re Papillon by Dalton Trumbo Lorenzo Semple Jr. Czech Anglo Productions in association with Ram Bergman Productions, FishCorb Films and Red Granite Pictures. were the production houses involved in the project along with executive producer(s) Joey Mcfarland, Ram Bergman, David Koplan and Roger Corbi. Papillon is written by Aaron Guzikowski, Dalton Trumbo and Lorenzo Semple Jr. and it is directed by Michael Noer. Bleecker Street acquired the distribution rights for the film. Papillon was released on 31st August 2018 and takes a screen time of 133 minutes. The film made a box office gross of $53 million. The screenplay for the movie was written by Aaron Guzikowski. Cinematography was done by Hagen Bogdanski and editing by John Axelrad and Lee Haugen. The music was composed by David Buckley.
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Papillon Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 55%
Mores the pity, then, that I cant in good conscious actually recommend Papillon. ( Read More )
Simran Hans
Papis protracted, chaotically paced setbacks begin to feel less like a test of his resilience than the viewers. ( Read More )
Peter Bradshaw
There is no discernible benefit or loss at the end of this long drama. ( Read More )
Chris Nashawaty
Anyone whos sat through the 1973 Steve McQueen Dustin Hoffman prison escape epic can confirm that its one of the snoozier and least memorable entries on either actors resume.As for the new Papillon, it wisely doubles down on high adventure, but its still as lifeless as its predecessor. ( Read More )
Michael Ordoña
That makes the new film feel less like an underdog story than a superhero tale, which reduces the tension. ( Read More )