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Only the Brave Reviews and Ratings
Average Review Rating : positive
Positive Review Rating : 78%
Jesse Hassenger
Its a stirring tribute, yes, to see these real life heroes rendered in their own modern day Howard Hawks movie, but in its final stretch, that tribute wallows in the tears and the wails of those left behind, maybe because it doesnt have much else to do. ( Read More )
Don Kaye
The film is straightforward and earnest in a way that harkens back to a kind of old fashioned Hollywood storytelling, but that makes Only the Brave stand out in an era where so much entertainment ranges from cynical to downright nihilistic (not that Im complaining; there is plenty to be cynical about these days). ( Read More )
Peter Sobczynski
Despite its early unevenness, Only the Brave tells its story in a sincere and relatively non exploitative manner that isnt overly dominated by visual effects, and the cast does some very good work as well. ( Read More )
Emily Yoshida
But you still get the band of brothers mechanics of war narratives, and the smoke and struggle and life or death situations.It feels like a win win to me. ( Read More )
Andy Webster
But under its slick, schematic surface, this tale of aspiration and redemption at least offers moments of genuine feeling. ( Read More )